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A Fresh, Fast Summer Salad

In the hot, hot summer weather after a long day of work, all we really want to do when we get home is snap our fingers and have a delicious, healthy meal appear magically before us.

This salad requires a little bit more than the snap of one finger…but not too much.

The vibrant colors of summer produce look fabulous against the clean white background of the Savour collection, and the deep blue of the turquoise Saturn Votive mirrors a clear summer sky.

Savour Salad Bowl(Opens in a new window)

Saturn Votive(Opens in a new window)

Ingredients for Summer Salmon Salad:

Mixed greens



Salmon—smoked or lox

Lemon Wedges


1. Cut the tomatoes and cucumbers the way you like best, and toss with the greens in the Savour Salad Bowl.

2. Dress the salad with lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper.

3. Dot the salad with chunks of smoked salmon or slices of lox.

4. Serve in Savour Pasta Bowls.

Savour Pasta Bowls(Opens in a new window) and Napoleon Flatware(Opens in a new window)

